The Work Works!

The Work Works!

I was first introduced to "The Work", a practice developed by Byron Katie, when I was taking the T3 (Train The Trainer) course on Integral Circling at The Integral Center…
Perfect Keto Bread

Perfect Keto Bread

I've been experimenting with egg white bread recipes and I have finally landed on the perfect recipe, for me anyway. I really wanted to use some fresh eggs without wasting…
Keto Pork Buns

Keto Pork Buns

Yesterday my daughter and I went to the asian supermarket in Oklahoma City, Super Cao Nguyen. This is the second time I've gone there with her since starting my keto…
My Keto Diet

My Keto Diet

In case you're curious about what I eat, here it is. The numbers under Carbs, Protein, Fat, and Fiber are in grams. Totals and targets are at the bottom. I…
Keto 101

Keto 101

The following is what I think you need to know about Keto in as few words as possible. I have learned this information from taking the Keto Reset course at…
Keto Brownies

Keto Brownies

I was worried that "keto friendly" baked goods like these would always be a danger food, either putting me in a lower level of ketosis or kicking me out completely. However, the last time I ate one of these brownies (and a pretty big piece at that) I tested my glucose and ketones about twenty minutes later and I was in a HIGH level of ketosis!